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About the Journal

The ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer disseminates information of permanent interest in the areas of heat and mass transfer. Contributions may consist of results from fundamental research that apply to thermal energy or mass transfer in all fields of mechanical engineering and related disciplines. Also, archival results of research that focus on the evaluation of thermophysical properties associated with heat and mass transfer, as well as on the theory of heat and mass transfer, are published. The journal publishes papers contributing to the advancement of our fundamental knowledge of the fields of heat and mass transfer and related novel applications in technologies.

The ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer is complementary to the Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications which focuses on applications.

Scope: Topical areas including, but not limited to: Biological heat and mass transfer; Combustion and reactive flows; Conduction; Electronic and photonic cooling; Evaporation, boiling, and condensation; Experimental techniques; Forced convection; Heat exchanger fundamentals; Heat transfer enhancement; Combined heat and mass transfer; Heat transfer in materials processing and formation; Jets, wakes, and impingement cooling; Melting and solidification; Microscale and nanoscale heat and mass transfer; Natural and mixed convection; Porous media; Radiative heat transfer; Solar-thermal processes; Thermal systems; Two-phase flow and heat transfer. Such topical areas may may occur in applications involving: Aeronautics and astronautics; The environment; Gas turbines; Biotechnology; Electronic and photonic processes and equipment; Energy systems; Fire and combustion; Heat pipes; Manufacturing and materials processing; Low-temperature heat transfer; Refrigeration and air conditioning; Renewable energy components and devices; Multiphase devices; Microscale and nanoscale materials and devices.

Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

Frequency: Monthly

ISSN: 2832-8450
eISSN: 2832-8469

Title History
ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (ISSN: 2832-8450), 2023 - Present
Journal of Heat Transfer (ISSN: 0022-1481), 1959 - 2022

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Impact Factor: 2.8
2023 Journal Citation Reports ®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2024)

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