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About the Journal

The Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications focuses on the dissemination of information of permanent interest in applied thermal sciences and engineering emphasizing new and emerging technologies, significant questions, pressing problems and concerns, and new methods and approaches that can be applied to industrial problems. It complements the Journal of Heat Transfer, which focuses on fundamental research. Contributions must have clear relevancy to an industry, an industrial process, or a device. Subject areas could be as narrow as a particular phenomenon or device or as broad as a system. The Journal publishes original research of an applied nature; application of thermal sciences to processes or systems; technology reviews; and identification of research needs to solve industrial problems at all time and length scales. Contributions should describe research in applied areas pertaining to thermal energy transport in equipment and devices, thermal and chemical systems, and thermodynamic processes.

Scope: Applications in: Aerospace systems; Gas turbines; Biotechnology; Defense systems; Electronic and photonic equipment; Energy systems; Manufacturing; Refrigeration and air conditioning; Homeland security systems; Micro- and nanoscale devices; Petrochemical processing; Medical systems; Energy efficiency; Sustainability; Solar systems; Combustion systems

Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

Frequency: Bimonthly

ISSN: 1948-5085
eISSN: 1948-5093

Title History
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (ISSN: 1948-5085), 2009 - Present

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Impact Factor: 1.6
2023 Journal Citation Reports ®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2024)

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